Here we go again:
Lessons 8 & 9:
- Lesson 8: The Family Under Stress
- Lesson 9: Communication & Mutual Respect
In lesson eight we discussed different stresses that a family can encounter. Some examples of this are a death of a close family member or of an immediate family member, a move, divorce, or an illness in the family. Each of these things can affect the family unit in various ways. It can either bring the family closer together through the trial or pull them apart. The most healthy way to deal with stress within the family is to deal with it together. Everybody takes things and handles stress differently. A difficult matter should be handled as a growing experience to help one another in the family and a learning opportunity to comfort.
In lesson nine we go more over proper communication tactics in families. We discussed how important tone and nonverbal communication really is. You know when you were a kid and your mother would give you that dread 'look' of disapproval if you didn't do something that she asked you to do? Well that is a perfect example of nonverbal communication. Body language is also important to express how we are feeling. It is best to learn while you are young what all of these forms of communication are. Always have respect in the things you do and the things you say.